The discus aquarium for beginner aquarists.
The simplest and least complicated way to maintain discus is to introduce a group of 10 or more specimens of small discus (6.5-10 cm) into a standard 1 m long aquarium. This size of aquarium is perfect for rearing fry. The easiest way to maintain a discus aquarium is to forgo roommates and plants (risk of introducing disease). The ideal is however to transfer the individuals after a certain time and once they have reached a certain size in a larger aquarium.
The aquarium should have the following equipment:
– Lighting
– 2 filters
– 1 aquarium heater
– 1 night light
– 1 air pump for oxygen supply
– Timer to adjust the lighting
– Thermometer
– Tests in drops (nitrite, pH)
Many pet stores also already sell very affordable complete aquarium solution kits.
It is also possible to put a little sand at the bottom of the aquarium and/or artificial plants when rearing smaller discus. Thoroughly wet, wash and rinse all accessories and decorative items before placing them in the aquarium. Be careful not to use sharp objects. File the roots and remove the sharp ends beforehand to avoid any risk of injury to the discus. To beautify the aquarium, you will find many beautiful artificial plants on the market that look like the real ones. (Install a CO2 injection system if real plants are introduced into the aquarium).
We recommend that you use two internal filters so that you always have a backup in case one filter fails. Ideally attach the two internal filters to opposite sides of the aquarium. Using two filters also improves water quality and pollutants are removed faster. Your filtration system must be connected to a power source and running all the time! External filters are attached via hoses and are placed outside the aquarium. There is a risk of one of the hoses coming loose or the filter leaking. If this happens, water may completely drain from your aquarium, so make sure everything is secure.
Finally, we advise you to use a sponge (macroporous) to clean the panes of the aquarium when they are curved. This avoids making unsightly scratches on the front glass as is often the case when using a squeegee. Make sure the bucket and aquarium accessories are completely free of any soap and detergent residue, ideally only use them for the aquarium. Wash your hands thoroughly to remove all traces of soap and cream before plunging them into the aquarium. Also remember to wet them before touching the fish!